
Outplacement or career transition service assists responsible corporations in supporting their exiting employees to reorient themselves to the job market and find new employment in other organisations. The implementation of a carefully structured support service by experienced professionals is essential to maintain an organisation’s reputation as a considerate employer of choice and to reduce potential litigation while maintaining a good relationship with former employees. International best practices data has shown that organizations providing outplacement services report encouraging results including employee engagement, increased productivity and better retention.

Leaving an organisation is often an emotional experience for both employees and employers. At this time of possible vulnerability, it is a dire need for the employees to come up with a well thought out plan for the next step in their career. While the reasons for an exit may be personal, strategic or performance related, a compassionate organisation invests in ensuring a smooth and seamless transition of their employees in other jobs.

At CPS, we understand the challenges of optimising human potential, and years of research and industry data has enabled us to develop a professional and completely customised Outplacement/Career Transition Service for your organisation’s specific needs. The programme is tailored to suit the needs of individuals, ranging from board of directors, executive management to entry level and support staff. Assisted by a dedicated career coach, we guide and support our clients at every step through one-on-one assistance for a personalised experience.

Our career coaches have a detailed interaction with the management and the employees to understand their aspirations, review their resume and work on a customised job search strategy for them which includes:

  • Communicating with the employees to help them fully understand the process of outplacement/career transition.

  • Diagnosing and assessing competencies and skill sets of the exiting employees.

  • Counselling individuals for maximising their current skill set and interests in searching for new opportunities.

  • Resume seeding to CPS Consultants’ extensive client base across 24 industry verticals.

  • Identifying prospective employers and roles.

  • Coaching on networking, interview preparation and negotiating.

  • Professional resume writing services if needed.

  • Appropriate representation on social media like Facebook and Instagram which are often looked at before making hiring decisions.


FlexAbility in Hiring

A huge multinational US Healthcare company had a compelling requirement to fill 100 vacancies in a short period of 30 days, spread across the country including remote locations.

The organization understood the challenges they would face in completing this task. There were questions being raised like:

“Is it possible in such a short time, given that there will barely be any lead time to start with?”

“Can we retain the cultural hygiene of our organization while we complete this task?”

“Can the entire hiring process be run simultaneously in multiple locations without losing the standardization or confidentiality of the process?” 

These questions led them to meet us at FlexAbility. We acknowledged the complexity of this task & built a dedicated team to initiate the process of filling 100 positions within 30 days.

We started with detailed strategic planning and setup of a proper governance system market to run a successful hiring program. Our initial steps were Market Intelligence & Talent Mapping. This initial phase took us almost 1 week, but it ensured we got a head start on hiring both in terms of candidate engagement & planning.

This was followed by efficient distribution of candidate requirements across multiple sourcing channels – this being one of our successful initial steps towards the goal. We worked closely with the organization as a partner to ensure we not only closed the positions but with a good experience for the candidates. Our team used various tools like MIS, Reporting & Predictive Analytics to ensure proper tracking & transparency, both operationally & strategically with all stakeholders.

Candidate screening was our next step, which is very crucial for it not only discards majority of the unsuitable applications but also helps generate important interview questions for those who clear the screening round. We met with some interesting challenges in the process given the multiple locations, challenges in availability of interview panel members & candidates. To manage this challenge effectively we set-up remote panel video interviews which expedited the interview process.

Also, our presence across several locations ensured we had help on the ground for sourcing & screening as offsite support across locations, with a strong onsite team to support us for client management & strategy.